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پاکستان سرمایہ کار

Support for Pakistani Investors

GCH is considered the international ‘gold standard’ for business investment and will meet your aims of owning and managing a successful enterprise and migrating to the UK or elsewhere in the world.

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Turkish Manufacturing Property Boom

A Turkish Manufacturing Property Boom Driven by Asian Investors

A Turkish Manufacturing Boom Fuelled By Capital From Asia  Tourism is back in business in Turkey following large volumes of domestic and foreign visitors flocking ...
E-2 Visa USA EB-5 Visa

The E-2 Visa – Bridging the gap to the EB-5

The E-2 Visa The E-2 Investor visa is available to citizens of a country that has a trade treaty with the USA. There are over ...
Covid-19 Property Market

The COVID-19 effect on the Property Market

The UK Government’s decision to lockdown the nation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic sparked fear with regards to the economic state of the ...
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The UK Technology Vision in 2020 and beyond

During the Accenture Technology Vision 2020, it was reported that, according to their Technology Vision Consumer Survey, 52 percent of consumers say that technology plays ...