Local connections, global influence


With the internationally renowned Spanish culture and climate drawing in visitors from all corners of the globe, it is no surprise that the Spanish Golden Visa has seen increasing popularity in recent years.  

The Golden Visa Program in Spain is also known as the Spanish Residence Permit Program. By investing at least 500,000 euros in either a bank deposit, real estate, business or government bonds, investors and their families can obtain a Spanish residence permit. The visa can be renewed every 2 years and after 5 years it is possible to gain permanent residency and subsequently citizenship after 10 years. 

استثمارات الإقامة والتأشيرات

GCH can help you with all your residency and visa investment needs

Mergers &

GCH can support you with all steps in your merger and acquisitions

Get Investment

GCH's team can support you and help you get ready for your investment.

خطط العمل

Our team can support and help you prepare your business plans for your company.

الإعفاءات الضريبية SEIS و EIS

إن القدرة على تقديم خصومات ضريبة SEIS أو EIS للمستثمرين تجعل استثمارك أكثر ربحية

Legal & HR Support

We work with a team of professional lawyers to help prepare legal documentation that may be required.

To find out more about our Spain Citizenship and Visas services services or to join the GCH, please contact us by: